Global Allince Against Traffic in Women

GAATW sees the phenomenon of human trafficking as intrinsically embedded in the context of migration for the purpose of labour.

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women



Issue 34, December 2010


Principle and Practice: GAATW-IS Reflections on Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR)

The final issue of the Alliance News reflects on our experiences using the feminist participatory action research (FPAR) methodology in GAATW’s recent FPAR initiative, A Woman’s Life is Richer Than Her Trafficking Experience. GAATW had first used the FPAR methodology in the early 1990s and the findings from this research were instrumental in GAATW’s advocacy towards an expanded definition of trafficking in the UN Human Trafficking Protocol.

Almost ten years later, we wanted to use the FPAR methodology again to assess how changes in globalised migration, labour and anti-trafficking contexts were impacting women at the grassroots level and to see where women and communities identified the need for change and action.

PDF [16 MB] 


Issue 33, July 2010

Beyond Anti-Trafficking Frameworks:
Linkages between Trafficking, Migration, Gender, Labour and Globalisation

In this issue, we broaden our perspective beyond the anti-trafficking framework, to recognise women’s multiple identities and their complex realities. In other words, we affirm once again that a woman’s (or any person’s) trafficking experience does not comprise her whole identity or life story.

The complexities of women’s lives cannot be captured by one approach alone, whether that be anti-trafficking, women’s rights, migrant rights or labour rights. Multiple approaches are required to fully understand women’s experiences.

PDF [3.53 MB]



Issue 32, December 2009

ASIA: The changing context of trafficking and migration in Asia

In this issue, we are featuring a glimpse of Asia, an overview of GAATW’s involvement in the region and the GAATW members in Asia. We have four briefs which highlights the National Human Rights Institutions in Asia, Alternative Strategies to Healing featured at the GAATW Asia Regional Consultation, a poetry from TWC2 and a trafficking case handled by CWCC. Other articles discuss anti-trafficking legislation in Indonesia, the impact of anti-trafficking interventions and regulations on the human rights of women migrant workers. Zi Teng’s article explores how trafficking initiatives and policies can work best for sex workers groups. The article on Blurry Cases highlights the ambiguity that still remains when we speak of trafficking, smuggling and coercion. Other articles look at women’s migration for marriage and temporary work, and how self-organised groups are creating social change. Overall the contributions reflect the diversity of the region.

PDF [2.39 MB]



Issue 31,July 2009

Latinoamerica y el Caribe: Migracion Laboral y Trata de Personas

LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN: Labour Migration and Trafficking in Persons

For the first time, GAATW publishes the Spanish edition before the English issue. “Our decision to focus on regions is an acknowledgement of the fact that specific socio-political and economic realities shape people’s lives and the decisions which they make with greater or lesser degrees of freedom.  This issue highlights the work, research and analysis that are being done in and about the region of Latin-American and the Caribbean (LAC).

PDF [4.56 MB] Available only in Spanish.


Issue 30, December 2008

EUROPE: An Overview of Recent Developments

In this issue we provide a regional overview of GAATW’s work in Europe over the years as well as information about the membership. This issue focuses on the role of NGOs in addressing old and new challenges, providing services to trafficked persons, critically and constructively monitoring governments’ anti-trafficking initiatives, and promoting and implementing a human rights-based approach are highlighted throughout a number of articles.

PDF [278 KB]


Issue 29, July 2008

AFRICA: Human Rights Protection of Trafficked and Migrant Persons

The 29th issue of this newsletter focuses on Africa, the first part in our Regional Spotlight Series. In this issue we provide a regional overview of GAATW’s work in Africa over the years as well as information about the membership. The briefs, essays and interviews give some contextual information on trafficking and labour migration, and the efforts of organisations who are working in these issues. The articles that we have gathered focuses on Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia, as well as East Africa, West Africa and Southern African regions.

PDF [3 MB]


Issue 28, November 2007

Women of Courage

This issue is a tribute to those women who are not afraid to dream and take risks and who never give up even when life deals with them harshly. Our colleagues shared the challenges and dilemmas which they face in their work. This issue reflects stories of inspiration, courage and empowerment. As GAATW marks the end of 2005-2007 programme, we also bring you a photo feature that highlights our work in the past three years.

To receive a copy, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Issue 27, July 2007

Material Justice: Seeking Compensation in Trafficking Cases

This is the second of the two-part issue dedicated to the theme of Access to Justice (AtJ). In this issue, we provide regional overviews and analyses of avenues for compensation for trafficked persons. We also feature case studies from Thailand, Israel, the United States, and Japan, giving critical insights on the issue of compensation. We hope that through this issue we can provide some space for further discussion and advocacy in recognising the right to just compensation for trafficked persons and exploited migrant workers.

PDF [4.68 MB]


Issue 26, December 2006

Access to Justice

In this issue we have brought together a range of articles and interviews from different perspectives of people who have worked in the legal system - from social workers who have assisted trafficked women, to lawyers and judges, to trial monitors, to trafficked women and the ‘victims' in the cases themselves. We have also included a brief summary of the GAATW Access to Justice Consultation, which was held in Bangkok in June 2006, along with our usual activity updates and a general overview of resources available for further research on Access to Justice.


Issue 25, July 2006

Giving & Receiving Help: Social Assistance to Trafficked Persons

This issue provides a regionally diverse view of direct assistance from the perspectives of those who provide it and those who receive it.

Download the main contents in PDF format:

Cover & Contents Page



  • Caring for Caregivers

  • The Role of Cultural Differences in Psycho-Social Assistance Work with Women Victims of Trafficking

  • Human Trafficking in Brazil: Initiatives to Assist Victims

  • Mutual Support Systems


  • The Work of Proyecto Esperanza

  • Cátia’s Story

  • My Story – From Nepal to India and Back

  • My Story – Dominican Republic

  • My Story – From Thailand to Switzerland

  • Sandiya thi pan Women’s Centre -Providing Assistance to the Community

To download the full contents:

Part 1 – Editorial, Essays, Interviews

Part 2 – Interviews, IS Updates, Resources

Part 3 – GAATW Publications, About Us

Click here for the Spanish version


Issue 24, December 2005 

Organizing for Social Change

In this issue we have focused on self-organizing among workers in the informal sector as a strategy to bring in change in their own situation. It also features essays and interviews on what is being done by support groups who are trying to effect change by raising their voices together.

PDF [448 KB]


Issue 23, July 2005

Migration, Trafficking and the Right to Health

Includes articles on Meeting the Health Needs of Women and Children, a Migrant Domestic Worker’s Journey and Struggle to Fight for Domestic Migrant Workers’ Rights and a Critical Look at Policies and Interventions. This issue also features GAATW’s Research and Action Project with Women Migrant Workers in Thailand.

PDF [1,229 KB]

Issue 22, December 2004 

A Rights Based Approach to Trafficking

The content includes essays on "An Exploration of the Meaning of a Human Rights Based Approach to Trafficking" by Marjan Wijers; "Sex Worker Rights, Abolitionism, and the Possibilities for a Rights-Based Approach to Trafficking" by Jo Doezema; "Children’s Rights in the Balance: Prevention of Trafficking Interventions and the Freedom to Migrate" by Mike Dottridge; "Europeans Confused About Sex and Rights, Say Migrant Workers" by Laura María Agustín; and "Traffic Controls: Legal Responses to Transnational Migrations" by Ratna Kapur.

Also includes interviews with Kim Warren of ICMC Indonesia; Fifi Rahayaan of Solidaritas Perempuan, Indonesia; Yuriko Saito of JNATIP, Japan; and Aegile Fernandez, Malaysia.

Available in PDF:

pp. 1-45 [479 KB]
pp. 46-85 [1,019 KB]

Issue 21, July 2004

Prevention of Trafficking

Includes essays from Mie Lewis on "Strategies in Receiving Countries" and Elaine Pearson entitled "Preventing what?"

Also features interviews with Victoria Nwogu of Global Rights, Nigeria; and Jackie Pollock, Liz Hilton, Nang Lao Liang Won of Empower.

PDF (pp.1-25) [394K]
PDF (pp.26-45) [642K]
PDF (pp.46-72) [541K]


Issue 19-20

July-December 2003

The Process of Recovery from Trafficking

Essays include "Re/integration? Canadian Policies and Practices on Trafficking in Persons" by Annalee Lepp and "What We Still Don't Know About the Women Trafficked into Israel's Sex Industry" by Julie Cwikel.

Special Reports on SEPOM: Women Rebuilding their Lives; and Responses to Trafficking within the National Border: Case Studies from India.

Also includes intense discussion on the Process of Recovery under topics such as terminology, on-going works and challenges.

Available in PDF:
pp.1-40 [1043K]
pp.41-80 [1074K] 

Issue 18, July 2002

Legal Initiatives Worldwide

Features interviews with Foundation For Women (FFW) on Thailand's MOU in Practice and Kevin Bales on ECOWAS Declaration and Plan Of Action.

Special reports include "Legislation Against Trafficking: Latin America" and "Systems of Protection for Victims of Trafficking In Human Beings: The Article 18 Of The Law 40/98 In Italy."


Issue 16-17

July/December 2001

This issue includes articles on the GAATW National Advocacy Project and Follow-up Activity of Research Training in 2000. Spotlight section includes the International Organization for Adolescents (IOFA) and the Center Against Violence and Human Trafficking, Perm, Russia.

Issue 15, December 2000

Essays include "Sexual Exploitation in the Prostitution Context", "Can Feminist Participatory Action Research be done in Countries of Destination?" and "The Lucky Woman of Trang An."

Includes special reports on The UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Migrant Workers visits Canada and the Beijing Workshop on Women Migration in Asia-Pacific Context October 13-15, 2000.

Issue 14, July 2000

The content includes articles on Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST), Los Angeles; Grassroots Leadership Training for Peoples from Burma, Empowerment for Ethnic Minorities at the Community Level; and The Story of 'Cho' a Pwo Karen a Domestic Helper in Bangkok.

Special Report: "Movements and Migrations": The Contemporary International Focus on Trafficking in Women.

December 1999/January 2000


This issue provides information on Research and Action Project in the Mekong Sub-Region; Developing A Dialogue On Rights and Women's Words-Ideas, Realities & Dilemmas.

July 1999

This issue contain articles on "Rebuilding Lives" by Foundation ESPERANZA and a Special Report on the International Symposium on Migration.


Content includes: Prosecuting Traffickers and Protecting Victims' Rights in the United States; Ukrainian Legislation on Trafficking in Women and Prostitution; A Special Report on Training Seminar on Trafficking in Women; and Thai Laws on Prostitution and Trafficking.  



Tel: +66 2 864 1427/8, Fax: +66 2 864 1637

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW)
191/41 Sivalai Condominium, 33 Itsaraphap Road, Bangkok 10600, Thailand

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GAATW's mission is to ensure that the human rights of all migrating women are respected and protected.

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