Global Allince Against Traffic in Women

GAATW sees the phenomenon of human trafficking as intrinsically embedded in the context of migration for the purpose of labour.

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women


GAATW Intern/Volunteer Program

GAATW strives to maintain the international nature of its work through opportunities for students/volunteers from different countries and regions. GAATW is committed to work for changes in the political, economic, social and legal systems and structures which contribute to the persistence of trafficking in persons and other human rights violations in the context of migratory movements for diverse purposes, including security of labour and livelihood. GAATW supports the sharing of knowledge, working experiences and working methodologies amongst its members and allies, in order to enhance the efficiency of collective anti-trafficking activities. If you are interested in joining the GAATW-International Secretariat (GAATW-IS) as an intern you will enhance the work and advocacy of GAATW so it reaches across regions.

The GAATW International Secretariat (IS) receives a large number of enquiries and expressions of interest from people wanting to volunteer or take up an internship programme. Volunteers & Interns: Although many people seem to be using these two terms synonymously we make a clear distinction between the two.


  • A volunteer has a flexible schedule and agrees to take up tasks or support GAATW staff in any task which has priority for us at a certain time. For example, if we are organising a regional/thematic workshop we may be able to use the services of a volunteer in handling additional communications and other logistical work. Or a volunteer's help might be needed for research support, library cataloguing and/or creating back up data for the organisation.
  • A volunteer can choose to give a certain number of hours per week and in consultation with the staff s/he works with, a flexible schedule can be worked out. Volunteering is an unpaid position at the GAATW-IS although in some instances a honorarium can be arranged. The minimum period for volunteering varies; if it is for an event it could be for a few weeks, if it is for a specific task it could take longer. However, if you are travelling from another country just to take up volunteering, you should set aside at least three months for it. It does take time to get used to a new city and certainly to a new office environment.

Please note: If you are interested in taking up hands-on work such as providing assistance to victims of human trafficking, the GAATW-IS is not the best place for it. This office is mainly a service and support organisation for GAATW’s member organisations. Our main work is communications, documentation, research and advocacy. Skills in those areas are extremely useful for our work. You do not need to speak Thai to be able to work in this office as English is the working language.

Applications for volunteer positions are accepted only when there is an announcement from the GAATW-IS.


GAATW offers 2-3 internships per year. Interns need to have a clear research and documentation project to work on. The project can be initiated by the intern him/herself or it can be developed in consultation with the International Coordinator of GAATW. In any case, the project will need to be in line with GAATW's strategic goals and current programme priorities. Interested persons are requested to send in their letters of interest and application form well ahead of time as detailed discussions and some preparations on the planned project are necessary prior to the start of the internship. Structured supervision can be arranged for the intern in line with her/his university’s requirement and GAATW’s personnel policies.

Please note that we receive a lot of internship applications for the entire year, it is important to have a clear and concise application to help us make a decision and expedite the process. We encourage you to share with us your main motivation behind wanting to pursue an internship program with GAATW, specify the skills and experience which you have that might be useful for our work and tell us the timeframe which is suitable for you. Write to Gundi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Other opportunities: Intern with GAATW Members

We have been receiving applications from graduate students who would like to do hands-on work for organisations providing direct support services. As the International Secretariat of an Alliance, we take the initiative to referring some applications to our Thailand-based members or other member organisations who have the capacity to take in interns. We have successfully organised an internship to one of our self-organised groups in Nepal. And here’s what she had to say about her six-month internship experience:

My internship time was full of valuable experiences and encounters. I am taking a new mindset and a pot of new conceptual ideas. Thank you very much for your kind support!
Caroline Rehm
April-September 2013


Frequently Asked Questions

How to apply for GAATW’s Internship Programme:

  • All prospective Interns are requested to visit the GAATW website and read the relevant information such as the Basic PrinciplesMission Statement, and our current strategic priorities.
  • Send us your letter of motivation and a short writing sample (1-3 pages).
  • Send your application to Ms Gundi Dick, Organisational Development Officer at the GAATW International Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Applications are received and reviewed according to our internship programme announcement. Please check the schedule before sending your submission.
  • Please note that Interns are personally responsible for obtaining their visa at the Thai Embassy or Consulate in the country of their nationality/residence. Visa matters are handled solely by the Thai Government through their representations abroad. Usually, prospective interns are granted non-immigrant O visa for 3 or 6 months (with either a single, double or multiple entries) as the unpaid internship does not count as employment.

What will I learn and take away from this experience?

The aim of our internship programme is to give you exposure to the GAATW programme work of GAATW-IS. You will be given the opportunity to support and learn from a multi-cultural IS team. As an intern at the GAATW-IS, we look forward to the valuable contributions to our daily work and challenges with your creative ideas, academic thinking and research experience.

How long is the Internship?

The minimum period of internship is 3 months and the maximum is 6 months.

Is the internship paid?

GAATW does not remunerate interns in any way. All costs related to an intern's participation in the programme must be borne by the applicant who will have to make his/her own arrangements for travel, visas, accommodation, etc. We encourage prospective interns to apply for student grants beforehand.

However, if there are costs incurred by an intern/volunteer in as part of his/her function at the International Secretariat, s/he shall be reimbursed by the GAATW Finance Officer under the same rules as costs reimbursed to full-time staff members.

What do previous interns say about the Programme?

As an intern for GAATW, I worked on an exciting project that aims to increase access to justice for South Asian migrant workers in the Middle East. This contributed to my understanding of the international legal framework that governs the rights of workers, as well as the obligations state parties have to combat human trafficking under the Palermo Protocol. The staff at GAATW is truly supportive and a wonderful team to work with.
Katya Richardson, Juris Doctor Candidate, Western University
May-August 2015


I received valuable knowledge not just from individual projects but from previously produced materials from GAATW. Every member of GAATW-IS welcomed me into their team very warmly. They explained their expectations of my participation very clearly while also providing as much freedom and time as I needed for my own fieldwork. They provided me with my own desk and every tool I needed to conduct my internship and my own research. They made me feel very involved in their progressive work.
Mark Kim, York University
May-August 2014


I think that I gained a better understanding of what it means to approach anti-trafficking work from a human rights perspective, and I enjoyed being able to hear what member organizations thought about this approach at the workshop training in June.

I would recommend this internship if you are interested in research and advocacy, and particularly in the areas of trafficking, migration, labor, and human rights.
Hannah McDermott, New York University
June-August 2013


As a research intern with GAATW I was trusted with the making of a GAATW Working Paper relating to the theme: Borders between trafficking and migration. The process involved field research in the Philippines, review of relevant literature and interviews via social media. The internship resulted in a working paper “Au Pair – Challenges to Safe Migration and Decent Work”, which can be downloaded from GAATW’s web-page.

Being a research intern with GAATW requires being able to work independently with limited supervision and guidance and being very clear on one’s own wishes and expectations to the internship program. To such a person I can warmly recommend the internship position with GAATW.
Agnete Kjaer
June-August 2013

Tel: +66 2 864 1427/8, Fax: +66 2 864 1637

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW)
191/41 Sivalai Condominium, 33 Itsaraphap Road, Bangkok 10600, Thailand

Who We Are

GAATW's mission is to ensure that the human rights of all migrating women are respected and protected.

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