Global Allince Against Traffic in Women

GAATW sees the phenomenon of human trafficking as intrinsically embedded in the context of migration for the purpose of labour.

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

What is GAATW?

The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) is an Alliance of more than 100 non-governmental organisations from all regions of the world. The GAATW International Secretariat is based in Bangkok, Thailand, and coordinates the activities of the Alliance, collects and disseminates information, and advocates on behalf of the Alliance at regional and international level.

The Alliance was born of a collective decision to understand the elements of trafficking from a human rights perspective, in order to improve the lives of trafficked women. GAATW has made significant contributions to the anti-trafficking movement. It was the first to conceptualise trafficking as both a consequence and cause of human rights violations, and to see the elements of trafficking apparent in a range of formal and non-formal sectors.

How can an organisation become a member of GAATW?
GAATW is a Membership Alliance, although we also work with individuals and organisations who are not members. The most important thing to the Alliance has always been people’s (be they individuals or representatives of organisations) commitment to social justice and their work on the issues which we address.

GAATW currently has more than 100 member organisations and numerous friends and allies. Read the Conditions, Roles & Responsibilities and Rights & Privileges of Member Organisations

Who are GAATW’s members?
Please see our Members section

How do I order GAATW publications?
To order GAATW publications, write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can can check out the list of publications in our Resources section.

I am a researcher / a journalist and have some questions. Can GAATW help?
If after having searched our website you still have unanswered questions you can contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For questions related to direct assistance or country-specific questions, we advise you to ask our member organisations.

I want to work/volunteer at the international secretariat of GAATW? What shall I do?
The GAATW IS has positions for interns and volunteers at various times throughout the year.

If you are based in Bangkok or would like to do some translation work from home you can volunteer with GAATW. If you are a student and are required to have working experiences with an international organisation, you can apply for an internship with the GAATW-IS. Please read the section on interns/volunteers for more information on how to apply.

For employment opportunities, please see our Events and News section for more information. Any current job opportunities will be posted here. 

Tel: +66 2 864 1427/8, Fax: +66 2 864 1637

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW)
191/41 Sivalai Condominium, 33 Itsaraphap Road, Bangkok 10600, Thailand

Who We Are

GAATW's mission is to ensure that the human rights of all migrating women are respected and protected.

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